Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Twin Boys!

To our surprise we found out we are having not one but TWO boys. For some reason I'd thought we were having at least one girl but to our surprise our technician confirmed we are expecting two little boys.

I am excited. Nervous still about raising two babies at one time but very excited. This is going to be a ride, that is for sure! At least everyone I've told about the boys has told me I will be so grateful because they are much easier to raise then girls.

One sweet sister who has a young son and is expecting her second in December said to me Sunday, "The Lord really needs his missionaries....I just have that feeling." We sure have had a lot of baby boys born in this area in the past year so she may just be right!


Lillian said...

I am so, so excited for you. You are going to be a great mom, I know you. You don't let small things get you down, I learned that serving 5 months with you on the mission. You are a good person through and through and these babies will be very blessed to have you for a mother. Congratulations!!!

Mrs_Brink said...

Hey Michelle! I am soooo happy and excited for you and Shane! Congrats! Love Melanie