Friday, September 19, 2008

Today's update:

We visited with Dr. Lee at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles Vision Center. Dr. Lee performed a very thorough examination (to Jonah's dismay) which included swaddling Jonah down so he couldn't fight and a nurse to hold Jonah's head still while Dr. Lee used special specs to pry open his eyes and examine his retina, etc. He was happy to report that Jonah's retinas looked great, no detachment but a bit of lagging on the left eye which may contribute slightly to his Strabismus but overall his retinas are clear and looking healthy. He said the scar tissue from his ROP surgery has lessened (good news) and he thought that Jonah should be able to have good vision, however...he did say there are always exceptions. He mentioned they often see post-ROP surgery preemies who have perfect retinas but poor vision so now it is a matter of waiting.

He was not concerned with the lack of dilation with his pupils, that is two specialists now who are not concerned with the fact that his pupils do not dilate. Apparently this may just be the way things are.

He deferred any additional surgeries for Strabismus to Dr. Kelly in Madera. He said he researched her and found she was well experienced and he has heard that she is not one to rush a child in to surgery if it is not warranted.

These are all good things to hear, I still wish there would have been more clear answers regarding his actual vision. We still worry about his slow progress with finding things visually, tracking objects, faces, etc. but it seems that everyone agrees that with preemies at this age you just have to wait to find out what the ending situation will be.

For now, it will just need to be a matter of prayer.


Tiffany said...

Hi Michelle!
I love reading about your darling boys! Now I know nothing, but I did want to let you know that I have a pupil that doesn't dilate normally but causes me no problems. My two eyes are very different sizes, colors, positioning, etc. because of "trama at birth" (i.e., forcepts damaged my optical nerve) - and the pupils dilate at totally different rates. The small one doesn't dilate as much as the big one. (You should see the doctors/nurses flip out every time I go to the doctor bec. they think I have a concussion.) However, I had 20/20 vision in both eyes until college. Other than looking a little funny, I haven't had any major problems with my eyes. I know Jonah's eyes are different than mine, but I did want to share some hope that the dilation issues may not be too much of a problem!

Jennalee said...

Good for you for getting a second opinion. Having had dealings with MANY eye doctors for myself, and many doctors in general for the kids who lived in the group homes I managed, I can honestly say that most doctors hate, with a capital H, when their recommendations are not trusted and you want a second opinion. It isn't even really about trust most of the time. It's about the BEST, and not what is easiest, or closest to where you live. Why should "your" care be less than because you might live in a place that doesn't offer that service? I say go get! And you did! You are (Obviously...Hello!) the very best advocate for your kids. Doctors may have all that wonderful learning and even practical application experience, but YOU know the big picture. You know where your kids have been, where they are, and where you hope for them to go. It can be a tiring process, but you hang in there! You and your whole family will be so blessed because of your tenacity and prayer!