Monday, August 18, 2008

Thank you

Hello everybody,

This is Shane (Noah and Jonah's dad). I don't normally blog. In fact, I rarely let people know what I'm thinking. But, I wanted to take a minute and say thank you to Michelle for being a good mom to the boys. Strike that, great mom. Caring for our sons is complicated to say the least, but Michelle manages to keep everything on track. She is always vigilant. Constantly assessing and determining what they need. Just keeping up with the Doctor's visits by itself is a monumental task. Between the two of them, the boys have as many as 7 appointments some weeks (some of which are a 2 hour drive to get to). How she keeps the appointments, gives medication (every 4 hours), gives bottles, changes diapers, does laundry, cleans the house, makes herself lunch/breakfast, and keeps her sanity is beyond me. I'm glad for the wonderful mom she is.

I don't think that half explains it. But, thank you Michelle.




Sunshine Promises said...

Amen! Michelle is an AMAZING mother and woman! I am so inspired by her love and advocacy for her boys. I wish you lived closer (hint, hint) so we could spend some one-on-one time together. Heaven knows isolation is hell (yes, that's right - I said it. Having been quarantined for 6 months, I KNOW it firsthand).

Love you, Mama Michelle!

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

Good for you, way to give your wife her props. I ditto the isolation stinks, we were in "lock-up" from August '06 to May '07, it just about made me crazy(ier)---LOL!! I really think the only thing that kept me sane were the monthly visits from the PHN, and the visits from my parents.

Sending you high-fives, hugs & blessings!