Thursday, February 5, 2009

We have added a new word to our family dictionary: appendicitis.

Yes, indeed. Wednesday night Shane started with what he thought was indigestion, by 2:00 in the morning it had become so severe he was lying on the stairs when I came out of the bedroom to check on him because he didn't want to climb up them to get back in to bed.

My husband isn't one to complain about pain but finding him like that plus his symptoms had me nervous it was his appendix.

We spent four hours in the ER before we saw a doctor who confirmed it was his appendix, another 45 minutes to FINALLY get pain meds and another hour and a half to get a CT scan. We then proceeded to wait until 5:00 PM yesterday afternoon until Shane went in to surgery. He was on antibiotics to slow his appendix from perforating but after almost 14 hours in the ER I was ready to scream. Oh how I could go on and on about the many flaws of our health care system.

Good news is that the surgery went well, the surgeon was able to easily removed the very infected appendix via labaroscopy which means smaller scars and hopefully a better recovery. Shane stayed overnight and was discharged this morning.

He is sore and on the coach right now, taking it easy and watching his ever favorite "West Wing" reruns. He is supposed to be off work for at least a week (the doctor said 2-3 but Shane and I both balked at the idea so hopefully his recovery will be much quicker) and he meets with the surgeon next Wednesday for post-op.

So on that exciting note, I will end this post. We are off to choose Jonah's eye glasses and by the way, most of you voted for blue frames!!!


Tracy said...

Tell Shane if he gets bored to give us a call and we'll bring over the Wii for him to play. I'm sure it would help him recover faster! :)

Jennalee said...

I've had mine out, I remember how painful it was! Hope your better soon!

Renée said...

What turmoil! You have had a rough week! Can I please bring your family dinner over Saturday night? Say yes, unless you have a special diet that only you know how to prepare.....even then, you can give me the details and I can make it :) I'll call you when we get back in town.

kristi said...

Hope all is better today and the next few days. That is horrible when one of the adults gets so ill and requires hospitalization. I'm so sorry; at least it's sunny today.

Janna said...

Hi Michelle-
That is terrible. I'm so glad he is doing getter. Do you need anything? we need to hang out sometime. I'd love to meet your boys.