Sunday, December 20, 2009

Just one more quick posting.

Although we have our challenges and the past few weeks have been worrisome with Jonah's poor eating habits, I had a peaceful moment recently that has stayed with me.

It came to me one day that the many, many prayers offered in behalf of our family have sustained us through the past two years. I know that I have said this before but this moment came to me so clearly that I know I was being reminded that we are being watched over.

So, to all of you who have prayed and continue to pray for our family I am sending you a sincere, heartfelt thank you. God bless and Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Your little guys are growing up! I noticed the other day just how big boy they are getting. They are so sweet! As for the prayer thing I know if the roles were reversed you would be there for me. Know we love ya and will continue to remember you in our prayers.I know these three months will be stressful, but they will be time you can never get back again, so try to remember to just enjoy them first and feeding comes second. I know that sounds backswards but honestly regardless of how it all turns out the one thing medical drs can't do is to make the human soul whole. Rather it is in this life or the next the body will be whole, but what we do here affects if our emotional and spiritual body will be. I love the tile you gave Kristen! Hers said," Come what may and love it!" I have to so remind myself to do this. My child creates such high demands that for me it is so easy to forget what he need more than anything is a mom who is happy come what may. It is so easy to get lose in the struggles that I forget to smell the flowers. Know Michelle I think you are an awesome mom! Just hang in there!